Who am I and What am I doing?

Who I am: My name’s Maranda. I live in a Minnesota Suburb with my husband (Matt), my daughter (Jaden, 5), my son (Jonas, 2), two tortoiseshell cats (Polly, 3 and Meena, 1) and some sort of little stripey fish and a little sucker fish. I’ve been a vegetarian for over a year and my family has come along for the ride, though are not fully on board the vegetarian train (wow, that’s a whole lot of cliché  in one sentence.).

What I am doing: I work outside the home full-time. My husband and I split the house work pretty evenly but over the last year I’ve come into my own as a cook. Matt likes to joke that it took becoming a vegetarian for me to really cook well. It’s been a lot of fun trying new recipes and figuring out what works and what doesn’t. Ok, slaving over a meal only to find out at that NOBODY likes it is pretty discouraging. Lucky for you, I’ll only be posting the recipes that work. Some will have pictures (nothing fancy, I’m not a professional by any stretch of the imagination), some won’t but I’ll always include a printable recipe for you and any links to recipes I borrowed from (see Disclaimers Page).

In short: These are vegetarian and vegan meals that are Omnivore Approved.

I welcome any feedback so if you try a recipe, leave a comment and let me know what you think or did differently.


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